Alright you’ve just concluded your event. It was a huge success - time to go to sleep and take the next week off! As tempting as it can be to just rest after your event concludes, the final step in producing an impactful event is to review it and repeat your strategy. Don’t get caught in the single peak cycle! Keep the momentum going.
The two weeks following the event are just as important as the programming hours themselves, and with a little pre-planning, you can be sipping mimosas on the beach while letting your tech do the work for you.
After hearing your message and interacting with your community, your attendees will experience a high level of adrenaline and excitement. They’ve enjoyed the connections they’ve made and are feeling inspired by your speakers. So it’s time to build on that enthusiasm. If you don’t, by the end of that two weeks (or maybe even sooner), their engagement with your brand will quickly diminish.
To avoid getting caught in the single peak cycle of attaining a huge increase in engagement from the event followed by a huge drop off, we can keep the momentum going with repeatable and sustainable events. By creating predictable moments of live interaction, supplemented by consistent community engagement, you can build sustained and continual growth for your organization.
If you host an annual summit or flagship event, pair it with more bite-sized, frequent networking events that feature a celebrity or expert in your field on the mainstage.
If you’re already hosting micro-events on a frequent schedule, start adding in activities, challenges, and mini calls to action for your audience in between! Leverage the data you learned about your audience during the event to iterate and improve the experience next time, extract content from your mainstage presentation and use in your next marketing campaign, do everything you can to keep that engagement building.
When we work with our clients, we like to create mini calls to action and challenges for our audiences to participate in that directly affect the following events. These can be video submissions, polls, calls for artistic creations. Then, at the following event, we feature those creations and invite the attendees to take an even deeper approach to their interactivity than before. This will result in a gentler, but more consistent upward trend of audience engagement over time.